Patch Notes v2.06.10

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Iscritto il: 05/03/2018, 0:14
Stato: Connesso

Patch Notes v2.06.10

Messaggio da Devil »

Le note in italiano sono esclusivi aggiornamenti per il server di INFINITY 2.0.
In questo elenco vengono omesse le note tecniche relativi agli aggiornamenti lato server e di non interesse per i giocatori.
  • Fix NPC "Fato Turchino": ora le classi transcendent create dal coupon tramite codice promozionale (non ancora attivo pubblicamente) hanno il numero di punti skills giusti da assegnare ed i 9 punti basic skills già assegnati.
  • Portals Correction in map yuno_in03
  • Fixed Escape not working with bNoKnockback: Resolved Escape not letting the player backslide when wearing items that give bNoKnockback bonus.
  • Corrected Fame Points for level 3 weapons: Level 3 forged weapons should give 1,000 fame points instead of 10,000.
  • Added items for Advanced Potions NPC: Included respective item delays.
  • Cleaned up left handed weapon checks: Fixed a potential crash.
  • Corrected Brasilis Sign Post location: Moved the sign post to the correct location.
  • Removed obsolete Novice Rod bonus: Removed +16 MATK% from Novice Rod in renewal mode.
  • Added multi-hit critical damage display support: Double Attack and Fear Breeze can now critically strike.
  • Updated Young Man position for Renewal.

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ENG: If you want to support our server write a review on and we will be immensely grateful.

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